Wednesday, February 29, 2012

American Worker and Their Future

Sure the economy is moving towards being healthy again, but that doesn’t mean that the economy is going to have the people to outfit it’s growing job market. The truth is that there is a very difficult time right now with the up and coming American workers. Yes, this means the eighth graders.
It’s sounds like a stretch but as it will take the economy five to ten years to get out of the doldrums that it has found itself in, by the time it is ready to get up and out the confines of horrible finances it will need skilled and competent workers in order to make the economy thrive and survive. For all the emphasis the American people have put on the world of higher education, there are a number of those people in basic education who have math and reading skills that are well below board.
What this means is that these schools, which are teaching to state testing most of the time, are going to have to turn their focus and attention and teaching the basic fundamentals that will keep children on the up and up with where the demand will be when they are ready to enter into the work force. Things are not hopeless for the American worker in the future, but for things to work out there is going to have to be a compromise.
That’s just the way that it has to be. Americans are going to have to get up to par or they will suffer the consequences.

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